How do I modify the mileage rates for a mileage type?

  • If necessary tap the or button to show the main menu, then tap the "Mileage Types" row.

  • Next on the "Mileage Types" page tap the entry you want to edit:

  • If you want to add a mileage rate, scroll down to the rates section then:

    1. Tap the last row.

    2. After entering the details, tap the button to temporarily add your change or tap the button to lose any changes.

    3. To commit your changes including the new mileage rate you MUST tap the button on the Mileage Type edit screen.

  • If you want to update a mileage rate, scroll down to the rates section then:

    1. Tap the mileage rate you want to update.

    2. After entering the details, tap the button to temporarily add your change or tap the button to lose any changes.

    3. To commit your changes including the updated mileage rate you MUST tap the button on the Mileage Type edit screen.

  • If you want to delete a mileage rate, scroll down to the rates section then:

      1. Tap the mileage rate you want to delete.

      2. Next tap the button on the toolbar at the bottom.

      3. To commit your changes including the mileage rate deletion you MUST tap the button on the Mileage Type edit screen.