How do I sends my trips to my boss so she can merge it with the others drivers trip data?

  1. If necessary tap the or button to show the main menu, then tap the "Share/Backup Data" row.

  2. On the Backup Export Options screen you have these options:

    • Classic Email: this option disables the share sheet and goes directly to email.
    • Filename: the name of the output file
  3. To coninue tap the button

  4. Next, choose the option to share your trip data with:

    With AirDrop, you can wirelessly send and backup your trip data to a nearby iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac.

    Or use e-mail to forward and backup your trip data.
  5. If you choose email then enter a email address that the devices you would like to share the data with can access then tap the "Send" button.