81. How do I access the About page?

If necessary tap the or button to show the main menu, then tap the "About" row.

82. How do I report issue or bug?

  1. Access the About Page (tap here to learn how)
  2. Scroll down to the "For technical support..." section.
  3. Then tap the "Send E-Mail" row.
  4. Please provide as much detail as possible in order for our support team to better assist you.

83. How do I write a review of this app?

From within the app follow these steps:

  1. Access the About Page (tap here to learn how)
  2. Scroll down to the "If you like this app..." section.
  3. Tap the "Write A Review" row and follow the instructions.

84. How can I share this app with others?

You can let others know about this app by e-mail or text message. To do that from within the app follow these steps:

  1. Access the About Page (tap here to learn how)
  2. Scroll down to the "Do you know somebody..." section.
  3. Then tap the Share row and then choose your prefered method of sharing.

85. How can I access the online help or find out more about this app and what other apps you have to offer?

  1. Tap here to access online help
  2. Tap here to access the company website
  3. Tap to learn how to access help within the app